Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nominate an Educator Using Technology Creatively

In a session at Educon2.0 we came up with an action plan centered on getting the word out about what we were all doing in our schools/districts/states to bring technology and learning to the 21st Century Student. This just landed in my lap and thought it would be a great way to promote the people out here doing some fantastic things with kids:

Hello, I am a graduate research assistant from Northern Arizona
University currently working with Dr. Jess House on research for an
upcoming book
Creative Classrooms: Technology in America's Schools.
This book will feature exemplary uses of educational technology in the
21st century. It will illustrate how classroom teachers, technology
specialists, and administrators are creatively integrating technology
into the curriculum and using it to increase student achievement.
Currently, we are seeking nominations for recent programs or projects
from your region that demonstrate unique and creative approaches to
using technology in the K-12 classroom setting. We are especially
interested in projects that are occurring at the classroom level (e.g.
teacher created projects that integrate technology into a specific
curriculum area). We would like to represent fine models from each
state and hope that you can assist us in nominating exceptional projects
from your area.
If you are interested in nominating any notable programs or teachers
for this book, please send nominations to: by Friday
February 15, 2008.

In the nomination please include:
• Location
• Contact information for the teacher or educational professional
• Brief description of the program (technology and resources used,
subject matter, grade level, unique qualities)

Thank you for your time and efforts.
Merri Bath
Northern Arizona University

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